Utilities (pyart.util
Miscellaneous utility functions.
The location and names of these functions within Py-ART may change between versions without depreciation, use with caution.
Direction statistics¶
angular_mean (angles) |
Compute the mean of a distribution of angles in radians. |
angular_std (angles) |
Compute the standard deviation of a distribution of angles in radians. |
angular_mean_deg (angles) |
Compute the mean of a distribution of angles in degrees. |
angular_std_deg (angles) |
Compute the standard deviation of a distribution of angles in degrees. |
interval_mean (dist, interval_min, interval_max) |
Compute the mean of a distribution within an interval. |
interval_std (dist, interval_min, interval_max) |
Compute the standard deviation of a distribution within an interval. |
mean_of_two_angles (angles1, angles2) |
Compute the element by element mean of two sets of angles. |
mean_of_two_angles_deg (angle1, angle2) |
Compute the element by element mean of two sets of angles in degrees. |
Miscellaneous functions¶
cross_section_ppi (radar, target_azimuths[, …]) |
Extract cross sections from a PPI volume along one or more azimuth angles. |
cross_section_rhi (radar, target_elevations) |
Extract cross sections from an RHI volume along one or more elevation angles. |
colocated_gates (radar1, radar2[, h_tol, …]) |
Flags radar gates of radar1 colocated with radar2 |
intersection (radar1, radar2[, h_tol, …]) |
Flags region of radar1 that is intersecting with radar2 and complies with criteria regarding visibility, altitude, range, elevation angle and azimuth angle |
datetime_from_radar (radar[, epoch]) |
Return a datetime for the first ray in a Radar. |
datetimes_from_radar (radar[, epoch]) |
Return an array of datetimes for the rays in a Radar. |
datetime_from_dataset (dataset[, epoch]) |
Return a datetime for the first time in a netCDF Dataset. |
datetimes_from_dataset (dataset[, epoch]) |
Return an array of datetimes for the times in a netCDF Dataset. |
datetime_from_grid (grid[, epoch]) |
Return a datetime for the volume start in a Grid. |
estimate_noise_hs74 (spectrum[, navg, nnoise_min]) |
Estimate noise parameters of a Doppler spectrum. |
estimate_noise_ivic13 (pwr_w_ray[, pct, …]) |
Estimate noise parameters of a ray |
get_ivic_pct (npulses, pct, z[, prob_thr]) |
Get the point clutter threshold (PCT) |
get_ivic_flat_reg_var_max (npulses, y, x, …) |
Get the threshold for maximum local variance of noise [dB] |
get_ivic_snr_thr (npulses, snr_thr[, pfa_thr]) |
Get the threshold for steps 3 and 6 of ivic |
ivic_pct_table (npulses) |
Get the point clutter threshold (PCT) of Ivic from a look up table. |
ivic_snr_thr_table (npulses) |
Get the threshold for steps 3 and 6 of ivic from a look up table The thresholds are computed for between 3 and 200 pulses. |
ivic_flat_reg_var_max_table (npulses, …) |
Get maximum variance of noise of Ivic from a look up table. |
is_vpt (radar[, offset]) |
Determine if a Radar appears to be a vertical pointing scan. |
to_vpt (radar[, single_scan]) |
Convert an existing Radar object to represent a vertical pointing scan. |
join_radar (radar1, radar2) |
Combine two radar instances into one. |
join_spectra (spectra1, spectra2) |
Combine two spectra instances into one. |
cut_radar (radar, field_names[, rng_min, …]) |
Cuts the radar object into new dimensions |
cut_radar_spectra (radar, field_names[, …]) |
Cuts the radar spectra object into new dimensions |
radar_from_spectra (psr) |
obtain a Radar object from a RadarSpectra object |
interpol_spectra (psr[, kind, fill_value]) |
Interpolates the spectra so that it has a uniform grid |
simulated_vel_from_profile (radar, profile[, …]) |
Create simulated radial velocities from a profile of horizontal winds. |
texture_along_ray (radar, var[, wind_size]) |
Compute field texture along ray using a user specified window size. |
texture (radar, var) |
Determine a texture field using an 11pt stdev texarray=texture(pyradarobj, field). |
rolling_window (a, window) |
create a rolling window object for application of functions eg: result=np.ma.std(array, 11), 1) |
angular_texture_2d (image, N, interval) |
Compute the angular texture of an image. |
(angles)[source]¶ Compute the mean of a distribution of angles in radians.
Parameters: - angles : array like
Distribution of angles in radians.
Returns: - mean : float
The mean angle of the distribution in radians.
(angles)[source]¶ Compute the mean of a distribution of angles in degrees.
Parameters: - angles : array like
Distribution of angles in degrees.
Returns: - mean : float
The mean angle of the distribution in degrees.
(angles)[source]¶ Compute the standard deviation of a distribution of angles in radians.
Parameters: - angles : array like
Distribution of angles in radians.
Returns: - std : float
Standard deviation of the distribution.
(angles)[source]¶ Compute the standard deviation of a distribution of angles in degrees.
Parameters: - angles : array like
Distribution of angles in degrees.
Returns: - std : float
Standard deviation of the distribution.
(image, N, interval)[source]¶ Compute the angular texture of an image. Uses convolutions in order to speed up texture calculation by a factor of ~50 compared to using ndimage.generic_filter.
Parameters: - image : 2D array of floats
The array containing the velocities in which to calculate texture from.
- N : int
This is the window size for calculating texture. The texture will be calculated from an N by N window centered around the gate.
- interval : float
The absolute value of the maximum velocity. In conversion to radial coordinates, pi will be defined to be interval and -pi will be -interval. It is recommended that interval be set to the Nyquist velocity.
Returns: - std_dev : float array
Texture of the radial velocity field.
(radar1, radar2, h_tol=0.0, latlon_tol=0.0, coloc_gates_field=None)[source]¶ Flags radar gates of radar1 colocated with radar2
Parameters: - radar1 : Radar
radar object that is going to be flagged
- radar2 : Radar
radar object
- h_tol : float
tolerance in altitude [m]
- latlon_tol : float
tolerance in latitude/longitude [deg]
- coloc_gates_field : string
Name of the field to retrieve the data
Returns: - coloc_dict : dict
a dictionary containing the colocated positions of radar 1 (ele, azi, rng) and radar 2
- coloc_rad1 :
field with the colocated gates of radar1 flagged, i.e: 1: not colocated gates 2: colocated (0 is reserved)
(radar, target_azimuths, az_tol=None)[source]¶ Extract cross sections from a PPI volume along one or more azimuth angles.
Parameters: - radar : Radar
Radar volume containing PPI sweeps from which azimuthal cross sections will be extracted.
- target_azimuth : list
Azimuthal angles in degrees where cross sections will be taken.
- az_tol : float, optional
Azimuth angle tolerance in degrees. If none the nearest angle is used. If valid only angles within the tolerance distance are considered.
Returns: - radar_rhi : Radar
Radar volume containing RHI sweeps which contain azimuthal cross sections from the original PPI volume.
(radar, target_elevations, el_tol=None)[source]¶ Extract cross sections from an RHI volume along one or more elevation angles.
Parameters: - radar : Radar
Radar volume containing RHI sweeps from which azimuthal cross sections will be extracted.
- target_elevations : list
Elevation angles in degrees where cross sections will be taken.
- el_tol : float, optional
Elevation angle tolerance in degrees. If none the nearest angle is used. If valid only angles within the tolerance distance are considered.
Returns: - radar_ppi : Radar
Radar volume containing PPI sweeps which contain azimuthal cross sections from the original RHI volume.
(radar, field_names, rng_min=None, rng_max=None, ele_min=None, ele_max=None, azi_min=None, azi_max=None)[source]¶ Cuts the radar object into new dimensions
Parameters: - radar : radar object
The radar object containing the data
- field_names : str or None
The fields to keep in the new radar
- rng_min, rng_max : float
The range limits [m]. If None the entire coverage of the radar is going to be used
- ele_min, ele_max, azi_min, azi_max : float or None
The limits of the grid [deg]. If None the limits will be the limits of the radar volume
Returns: - radar : radar object
The radar object containing only the desired data
(radar, field_names, rng_min=None, rng_max=None, ele_min=None, ele_max=None, azi_min=None, azi_max=None)[source]¶ Cuts the radar spectra object into new dimensions
Parameters: - radar : radar object
The radar object containing the data
- field_names : str or None
The fields to keep in the new radar
- rng_min, rng_max : float
The range limits [m]. If None the entire coverage of the radar is going to be used
- ele_min, ele_max, azi_min, azi_max : float or None
The limits of the grid [deg]. If None the limits will be the limits of the radar volume
Returns: - radar : radar object
The radar object containing only the desired data
(dataset, epoch=False, **kwargs)[source]¶ Return a datetime for the first time in a netCDF Dataset.
(grid, epoch=False, **kwargs)[source]¶ Return a datetime for the volume start in a Grid.
(radar, epoch=False, **kwargs)[source]¶ Return a datetime for the first ray in a Radar.
(dataset, epoch=False, **kwargs)[source]¶ Return an array of datetimes for the times in a netCDF Dataset.
(radar, epoch=False, **kwargs)[source]¶ Return an array of datetimes for the rays in a Radar.
(spectrum, navg=1, nnoise_min=1)[source]¶ Estimate noise parameters of a Doppler spectrum.
Use the method of estimating the noise level in Doppler spectra outlined by Hildebrand and Sehkon, 1974.
Parameters: - spectrum : array like
Doppler spectrum in linear units.
- navg : int, optional
The number of spectral bins over which a moving average has been taken. Corresponds to the p variable from equation 9 of the article. The default value of 1 is appropiate when no moving average has been applied to the spectrum.
- nnoise_min : int
Minimum number of noise samples to consider the estimation valid
Returns: - mean : float-like
Mean of points in the spectrum identified as noise.
- threshold : float-like
Threshold separating noise from signal. The point in the spectrum with this value or below should be considered as noise, above this value signal. It is possible that all points in the spectrum are identified as noise. If a peak is required for moment calculation then the point with this value should be considered as signal.
- var : float-like
Variance of the points in the spectrum identified as noise.
- nnoise : int
Number of noise points in the spectrum.
P. H. Hildebrand and R. S. Sekhon, Objective Determination of the Noise Level in Doppler Spectra. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 1974, 13, 808-811.
(pwr_w_ray, pct=2.0, delay=1, flat_reg_wlen=96, flat_reg_var_max=1.5, snr_thr=1.6, npulses=30, ngates_min=800, iterations=10, get_noise_pos=False)[source]¶ Estimate noise parameters of a ray
Use the method of estimating the noise level in a ray outlined by Ivic, 2013.
Parameters: - pwr_w_ray : array like
Doppler spectrum in linear units.
- pct : float
Point Clutter Threshold
- delay : int
distance of the gate to which compare for point target threshold
- flat_reg_wlen : int
Minimum number of gates that should contain a valid region. Default gives a size of 8 km with 83.3 m resolution
- flat_reg_var_max : float
Maximum local variance of powers in decibels to consider the region as flat.
- snr_thr : float
Threshold applied in steps 3 and 6
- npulses : int
Number of pulses used to compute the power of the array
- ngates_min: int
minimum number of gates with noise to consider the retrieval valid
- iterations: int
number of iterations in step 7
- get_noise_pos : bool
If True the indices of the gates identified as noise will be returned
Returns: - mean : float-like
Mean of the gates in the ray identified as noise.
- var : float-like
Variance of the gates in the ray identified as noise.
- nnoise : int
Number of noise gates in the ray.
- inds_ray : 1D-array
The indices of the gates containing noise
I.R. Ivic, C. Curtis and S.M. Torres, Radial-Based Noise Power Estimation for Weather Radars. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 2013, 30, 2737-2753.
(npulses, y, x, flat_reg_wlen, ndBm=30.0, accuracy=0.001)[source]¶ Get the threshold for maximum local variance of noise [dB]
Parameters: - npulses : 1D array
array with the number of pulses in a ray
- y : 1D array
array of y values
- x : 1D array
array of x values. These are the possible values of the threshold
- flat_reg_wlen : int
the lenght of the flat region window in bins
- ndBm : float
the mean noise power in dBm
- accuracy : float
The desired accuracy of the threshold (difference with target probability)
Returns: - var_thr : 1D array
The thresholds corresponding to each number of pulses
(npulses, pct, z, prob_thr=0.0001)[source]¶ Get the point clutter threshold (PCT)
Parameters: - npulses : 1D array
array with the number of pulses in a ray
- pct : 1D array
array with possible values of the PCT
- z : 1D array
array of z values
- prob_thr : float
Desired probability
Returns: - pct_out : 1D array
The PCT threshold corresponding to each number of pulses
(npulses, snr_thr, pfa_thr=0.001)[source]¶ Get the threshold for steps 3 and 6 of ivic
Parameters: - npulses : 1D array
array with the number of pulses in a ray
- snr_thr : 1D array
array with possible values of the snr threshold
- pfa_thr : float
the desired probability of false alarm
Returns: - snr_thr_out : 1D array
The snr threshold corresponding to each number of pulses according to the desired probability of false alarm
(psr, kind='linear', fill_value=0.0)[source]¶ Interpolates the spectra so that it has a uniform grid
Parameters: - psr : RadarSpectra object
The original spectra
Returns: - psr_interp : RadarSpectra object
The interpolated spectra
(radar1, radar2, h_tol=0.0, latlon_tol=0.0, vol_d_tol=None, vismin=None, hmin=None, hmax=None, rmin=None, rmax=None, elmin=None, elmax=None, azmin=None, azmax=None, visib_field=None, intersec_field=None)[source]¶ Flags region of radar1 that is intersecting with radar2 and complies with criteria regarding visibility, altitude, range, elevation angle and azimuth angle
Parameters: - radar1 : Radar
radar object that is going to be flagged
- radar2 : Radar
radar object checked for intersecting region
- h_tol : float
tolerance in altitude [m]
- latlon_tol : float
latitude and longitude tolerance [decimal deg]
- vol_d_tol : float
pulse volume diameter tolerance [m]
- vismin : float
minimum visibility [percentage]
- hmin, hmax : floats
min and max altitude [m MSL]
- rmin, rmax : floats
min and max range from radar [m]
- elmin, elmax : floats
min and max elevation angle [deg]
- azmin, azmax : floats
min and max azimuth angle [deg]
Returns: - intersec_rad1_dict : dict
the field with the gates of radar1 in the same region as radar2 flagged, i.e.: 1 not intersecting, 2 intersecting, 0 is reserved
(dist, interval_min, interval_max)[source]¶ Compute the mean of a distribution within an interval.
Return the average of the array elements which are interpreted as being taken from a circular interval with endpoints given by interval_min and interval_max.
Parameters: - dist : array like
Distribution of values within an interval.
- interval_min, interval_max : float
The endpoints of the interval.
Returns: - mean : float
The mean value of the distribution.
(dist, interval_min, interval_max)[source]¶ Compute the standard deviation of a distribution within an interval.
Return the standard deviation of the array elements which are interpreted as being taken from a circular interval with endpoints given by interval_min and interval_max.
Parameters: - dist : array_like
Distribution of values within an interval.
- interval_min, interval_max : float
The endpoints of the interval.
Returns: - std : float
The standard deviation of the distribution.
(radar, offset=0.5)[source]¶ Determine if a Radar appears to be a vertical pointing scan.
This function only verifies that the object is a vertical pointing scan, use the
function to convert the radar to a vpt scan if this function returns True.Parameters: - radar : Radar
Radar object to determine if.
- offset : float, optional
Maximum offset of the elevation from 90 degrees to still consider to be vertically pointing.
Returns: - flag : bool
True if the radar appear to be verticle pointing, False if not.
(npulses, flat_reg_wlen)[source]¶ Get maximum variance of noise of Ivic from a look up table.
Parameters: - npulses : 1D array
array with the number of pulses in a ray
- flat_reg_wlen : float
The flat region window length in bins
Returns: - flat_reg_var_max : 1D array
The maximum variance threshold corresponding to each number of pulses
(npulses)[source]¶ Get the point clutter threshold (PCT) of Ivic from a look up table. The thresholds are computed for between 3 and 78 pulses. If there number of pulses is beyond this range it throws an error
Parameters: - npulses : 1D array
array with the number of pulses in a ray
Returns: - pct_table : 1D array
The PCT corresponding to each number of pulses
(npulses)[source]¶ Get the threshold for steps 3 and 6 of ivic from a look up table The thresholds are computed for between 3 and 200 pulses. If there number of pulses is beyond this range it throws an error
Parameters: - npulses : 1D array
array with the number of pulses in a ray
Returns: - snr_thr_out : 1D array
The snr threshold corresponding to each number of pulses according to the desired probability of false alarm
(radar1, radar2)[source]¶ Combine two radar instances into one.
Parameters: - radar1 : Radar
Radar object.
- radar2 : Radar
Radar object.
(spectra1, spectra2)[source]¶ Combine two spectra instances into one.
Parameters: - spectra1 : spectra
spectra object.
- spectra2 : spectra
spectra object.
(angles1, angles2)[source]¶ Compute the element by element mean of two sets of angles.
Parameters: - angles1 : array
First set of angles in radians.
- angles2 : array
Second set of angles in radians.
Returns: - mean : array
Elements by element angular mean of the two sets of angles in radians.
(angle1, angle2)[source]¶ Compute the element by element mean of two sets of angles in degrees.
Parameters: - angle1 : array
First set of angles in degrees.
- angle2 : array
Second set of angles in degrees.
Returns: - mean : array
Elements by element angular mean of the two sets of angles in degrees.
(psr)[source]¶ obtain a Radar object from a RadarSpectra object
Parameters: - psr : RadarSpectra object
The reference object
Returns: - radar : radar object
The new radar object
(a, window)[source]¶ create a rolling window object for application of functions eg: result=np.ma.std(array, 11), 1)
(radar, profile, interp_kind='linear', sim_vel_field=None)[source]¶ Create simulated radial velocities from a profile of horizontal winds.
Parameters: - radar : Radar
Radar instance which provides the scanning parameters for the simulated radial velocities.
- profile : HorizontalWindProfile
Profile of horizontal winds.
- interp_kind : str, optional
Specifies the kind of interpolation used to determine the winds at a given height. Must be one of ‘linear’, ‘nearest’, ‘zero’, ‘slinear’, ‘quadratic’, or ‘cubic’. The the documentation for the SciPy scipy.interpolate.interp1d function for descriptions.
- sim_vel_field : str, optional
Name to use for the simulated velocity field metadata. None will use the default field name from the Py-ART configuration file.
Returns: - sim_vel : dict
Dictionary containing a radar field of simulated radial velocities.
(radar, var)[source]¶ Determine a texture field using an 11pt stdev texarray=texture(pyradarobj, field).
(radar, var, wind_size=7)[source]¶ Compute field texture along ray using a user specified window size.
Parameters: - radar : radar object
The radar object where the field is.
- var : str
Name of the field which texture has to be computed.
- wind_size : int, optional
Optional. Size of the rolling window used.
Returns: - tex : radar field
The texture of the specified field.
(radar, single_scan=True)[source]¶ Convert an existing Radar object to represent a vertical pointing scan.
This function does not verify that the Radar object contains a vertical pointing scan. To perform such a check use
.Parameters: - radar : Radar
Mislabeled vertical pointing scan Radar object to convert to be properly labeled. This object is converted in place, no copy of the existing data is made.
- single_scan : bool, optional
True to convert the volume to a single scan, any azimuth angle data is lost. False will convert the scan to contain the same number of scans as rays, azimuth angles are retained.